5. Authority

Finding good and quality information to support what your writing can be hard if you don't know what you're looking for, especially when you are trying to add value as well. But, I have a plan to add both of these things to my essay on why History Education is a valuable degree to earn. 

I plan on adding authority by using sources from educational sites. My sources are hand picked from various schools and programs that talk about the importance of history education. These add authority because they are from schools that offer this degree and the offer what comes next after. Using schools that offer this degree allow for a personal opinion from a professor who has their own experience.

This also adds value. The sources are giving a personal opinion from someone who has experience in the degree instead of an outside perspective. This inside job is a first-hand look into what a history education degree can do for your life and career.

I am going to educational sources in order to give an inside view on how history education is good for your career and is valuable to your life. 


  1. I definitely agree with credible sources, and that they do help with the value of the paper. That being said value is more than just quotes from sources, I believe it is also about engaging the reader in your paper. I would include pieces that inspired you to choose this career field. It will definitely pull readers in. Good luck!

  2. You’re a history education major, does that mean you studying to be a history teacher or a historian? Either way that’s so cool. My father is a history teacher, well he’s retired now but he still teaches me a ton. I still get surprised at all he knows. Using professors’ experience in your major is so smart. In fact, I think I’m going to do that as well. I hope I get paired with you in the peer reviews so I can read your paper. Best of fortune in writing.


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