8. Why Academic Writing is So Freaking Hard
As I sit typing this late at night, already having procrastinated to the very last minute, this topic should com easy, it's the problem I'm facing at this exact moment. But, in fact, I'm just exhausted and would rather type this as a text instead of formally. Academic writing has such a structured and rigid feel, that while trying to write, you are trying to remember every single guideline and rule to writing a good enough paper. Texting comes at such an ease, there are no strict rules and regulations for what it has to look or sound like. Instead of writing a minimum 5 page paper to explain my beliefs, I get to write a few sentences maybe a paragraph. Texting seems faster and simpler and just all in all a better way to write. Writing for academic purposes is often put off until it seems like an almost impossible task. With so many rules to follow, it becomes a struggle to feel free as a writer, instead you feel trapped in a cage.
Actually, this class should help you feel better. Think of it this way: texting is like coffee with your family or friends where you can dress however you want. Academic writing is like lunch with a business associate where you must dress up. You're basically doing the same thing, you are just being more formally presentable in one than the other.